The right to request flexible working in the UK is fixed within the Employment Rights Act 1996 and further rules on how the process should be handled are set out in a separate act, the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023.
What is flexible working?

Flexible working can be arranged informally where an employee may need to work flexibly to deal with a delivery that requires them to be at home that day, or may need to work alternative hours for a week so they can attend hospital appointments. Usually, informal flexible working arrangements are agreed between the employee and line manager and does not require a formal process.
Allowing the occasional informal flexible working can help employees to deal with irregular responsibilities outside of work. This can help them manage their private life without having to worry about losing pay or having to use up annual leave, resulting in a more engaged and satisfied employee.
The right to make a flexible working request only related to formal arrangements. This is usually for long-term or permanent changes to the terms and conditions of employment. Requests can be divided into 2 categories; time flexibility and location flexibility.
Examples of time flexibility can include:
- Part-time
- Term-time
- Flexitime
- Compressed hours
Examples of location flexibility can include:
- Home working
- Hybrid working
- Remote working (from a satellite office)
Who can make a flexible working request?
All employees can make a flexible working request, and they can do so on day 1 of their employment with you. Employees can make two requests within a 12 month period (the clock starts ticking once the first request has been made). In addition:
- The flexible working request must be in writing; we recommend providing employees with a form (requests can be made by email)
- Employers must complete the whole process within 2 months’ time limitation
- Employers must consult with the employee if it is likely that the request cannot be agreed upon
- Can only decline request for one of 8 reasons
What does the new 2023 act change?
From April 2024, the legal requirements on part of the employer on how to deal with a flexible working request will change so it is important that employers update their policies and procedures to ensure they don’t fail to comply with the new legislation.

The changes that will come into effect from 1 April 2024 are:
- Employees need no continuous service to make a request, can make a request on day 1 of their employment
- Employees can now make two requests 12 months (the clock starts ticking once the first request has been made.
- The flexible working request must be in writing and we recommend providing employees with a form (requests can be made by email)
- Employers must complete the whole process within 2 months’ time limitation
- Must consult with the employee if it is likely that the request cannot be agreed upon
- Can only decline request for one of 8 reasons
How can flexible working benefit employers?
Increased Employee Productivity
Flexible working motivates staff by allowing them greater control over their work schedule, which can lead to improved work-life balance, reduced stress, and a sense of autonomy, ultimately boosting employee morale and engagement, making them more likely to be productive and committed to their work. The CIPD reports that 9 in 10 employees consider flexible working to be a key motivator to their productivity at work, even more than financial incentives!
Employers also benefit by offering flexible working arrangements. By having a workforce that works flexibly, employers can often be more agile as people are more spread out over time and potentially locations.
Improves Inclusivity
Finally, flexible working can also result in being a more inclusive employer. For example, it can help working parents and employees with caring responsibilities to fit their needs around their work commitments allowing for more people to work where they could not do so without the flexibility.
4.2 Enhanced Employee Engagement
The CIPD reports that those who work flexibly are more likely to be engaged which can have significant positive impacts for employers – potentially generating 43% more revenue and improving performance by 20%, compared to disengaged employees!
4.3 Improved Talent Attraction and Retention
Employees are more likely to recommend their employer to friends and family, or potentially to candidates should they be involved in your recruitment process, or potentially provide content for your careers page.
Being an employer who offers flexible working can also improve retention and attraction in recruitment. It provides a great addition to your Employee Value Proposition that can support your Employer Branding. In a 2023 survey, it was found that 77% of employees are ready to leave their employer if the flexible working provisions would be withdrawn, showing the power of retention flexible working can have.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission found that 93% of non-workers are currently looking for part-time or flexible roles showing a high demand for flexible roles. This shows the importance of mentioning the ability to work flexibly at the advert stage when recruiting, as that can create a competitive advantage in finding the right talent.
4.4 Cost Savings and Efficiency
Increasing productivity, reducing levels of absenteeism, and improving employee retention levels can all mean that social sector employers have more time and money to focus on their beneficiaries.
Flexible working benefits to employees
Flexible working can support your employees in many ways:
Enhanced Work-Life Balance
By being able to work flexibly, employees can fit their obligations at home around their work, which can come with many benefits for the employee such as reduced costs in childcare, reducing stress, spending more quality time with family, care for a family member.
3.2 Improved Health and Well-being
Flexible working can reduce absence rates as it allows employees to manage disability and long-term health conditions as well as supporting their mental health and stress. Pre- pandemic, in 2018 the CIPD began to champion having a robust framework within organisations to promote good mental health, including flexible working.
3.3 Support for Parents and Carers
The 2021 Census reported that there are around 2.5 million carers who are combining work with caring. Whilst leave such as Carer’s Leave can now be requested, as that is unpaid leave for a period of 1 weeks (within a 12 month period), longer-term or permanent flexible working arrangements can help working carers stay in work longer, and retain staff within your workforce.
Implementing Flexible Working
Create a Flexible Working Policy
We recommend that you consider a Flexible Working Policy, this policy can set out your commitment to flexible working, the process for employees to apply for flexible working and what steps the organisation must take, and within what timescale, to manage that request.
If you need any support in developing a Flexible Working Policy, please contact us.
Assessing Business Needs
On receipt of a flexible working request the employer will need to consider whether the request can be accepted or not – or if there is an alternative arrangement that could be considered.
Employers should be mindful that there are only 8 statutory reasons why a flexible working request can be refused.
If you need assistance in considering a flexible working request – speak to us for guidance.

Flexible working can both benefit the employee and employer in different ways. It is important that employers review their ways of working to allow for flexible working practices, as that can lead to better retention, attraction, staff engagement and productivity.
With the new legislation coming into force in April 2024, employers should update their flexible working policy and procedures to ensure compliance with the new rights and duties that come with the new legislation.
Still have queries?
Want to know more about how to manage flexible working in your organisation, or you would like to benefit from the above offer? Please do contact us for further information and support.
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